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5th Grade

Each lesson plan is incorporated into the CA Common Core Standards.   Teachers can use this to replace existing lesson plans for the section indicated.  You can use the activities prior to arrival, after your visit, or simply as a supplement to your current lesson.  

Pre-Visit Activity 
Post-Visit Activity 
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Gibbon Conservation Center

Our mission is to promote the conservation, study and care of gibbons through public education and
habitat preservation.


Phone: 661-296-2737


Location: 19100 Esguerra Road,
Santa Clarita, CA 91390

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 800249,
Santa Clarita, CA 91380


Get Social with Us!

We are constanly adding the latest photos of our gibbon families.  We also post details of our upcoming events to Facebook. "Like Us" to see more info.

If you are interested in getting our newsletter, sign up below. 

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Made Possible By 

This website and free use of material was made possible by the 


Ahmanson Foundation 2014


Newhall Foundation 2014



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